Before I begin, let me describe the phenomenon of the Myst story grand. Myst is an award-winning "immersive environment" that occurs on a CD-ROM, but the story grand progresses and continues in several books and web sites with hints and clues (to help you get through the CD-ROMs if you get stuck), a subsequent trilogy of novels, a comic book, as well as a second CD-ROM, immersive environment, Riven, also a theme park and movie are in the works (although I am not sure how these will add to the narrative) (Carroll, "(D)Riven" 3). Exploring how the narrative of Myst has developed over multiple media will allow me to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of the media involved in the narrative. Also, I will be able to use Myst as a window into the theoretical issues of narrative, multiple media, structure and process, and come out the door with an idea of how they might be applied to better tell stories in general and also be used to help improve the academic endeavor and the classroom environment.